Wednesday, April 23, 2014

My occasional Rant or What Chaps My Ass!!! Kids and Non Competitive Sports!!

Once in a While I post an original piece. It is not law just because it is My opinionated ass placing something on the Internet it does not make it "the Truth" it just makes it something posted on the Internet and it is cheaper than therapy. Bottom line it gives me a chance to bitch about something...Today Kids and Noncompetitive Sports!!!
Okay I have had conversations with friends, given my opinion about this and cannot for the life of me figure out a reason why we would have No winners or losers in sports. This Article Children’s Sports No Winners, No Losers?

Says  Before the age of 16, most players
 are not quite mature enough to deal with
the psychological demands of winning”
Now I don’t want this to be completely out
of context like just about any media outlet
who wants their point across, they also
state “…while winning is indeed
important, it shouldn’t be emphasized until
much later in a young athlete’s soccer


While I am all for developing skills in sports the best way to do that is through competition. There is no fucking drive if there is no competition. I was always smaller, slower, and just plain not as good as the next guy in the sports I played. What did it do? It made me work harder to be as good if not better.
Sports also lend to life lessons. Keep your eye on the ball could be one...
While winning is indeed awesome, who does not want to win? Well except the assbags who say we should not keep score, but losing teaches an even more valuable lesson. To Quote The Stones, “You can't always get what you want, But if you try sometimes well you get what you need" That “need" is sometimes how do deal with failure.
 We have a generation of whinny brats, who think they deserve the proverbial trophy because those are the lessons they learned while playing noncompetitive sports. The whole time little Johnny played soccer and stood there picking his nose and scratching his ass, because well fuck it we all get a “participation trophy” anyway. What The fuck did he learn? I don’t have to work hard or work at all on the skills my coach taught me because the end result will be the same for Joey who runs his ass off and scores a bunch of goals that never reach the scoreboard, because well, we don’t have a scoreboard. or me.  So now Little Johnny is big Johnny and doesn’t get the job he wants, in his eyes not because he was still picking his nose, okay not picking his nose, I just wanted to use that again because the Image of a grown ass adult in a job interview picking his nose makes me giggle. Anyway he does not get the job in his own eyes because of the truth that he may be under qualified, or just not right for the job, but because of his race, gender, political opinions and it is just not fair. He never learned that when you lose you may have to go out and work a bit harder, practice and give your all on the field to score or stop your opponents from scoring. And if you don’t want to work to get better well maybe you were just not a right fit for that sport or job.  Score wasn’t kept so why should any kid stop picking his nose and get sweaty when in the end the game just does not matter.
 Sports is competition, just like life is competition. And for those who say “well you are discouraging my child because he does not feel he is good enough to play Sport X” Well if he or she does not have the drive or passion to play Sport X, try Sport Y or Sport Z. And some people are just not athletes,
 so find something they are passionate about, I guarantee there is some sort of competition within just about any activity, if it is trying to be better than the next guy playing a musical instrument, or cooking pie, why would you just settle for “It’s alright!”?  Stop trying to slow down the kids who are passionate about the sport because your little angel has to feel like he fits in. I will tell you this score or no score the other kids will know he does not fit in. 
 And if they need exercise, because their “thing”

does not lend itself to exercise tell them to put down the damn cell phones stop fucking texting or stop playing video games and go ride their damn bike that is collecting dust in the garage. Life is hard and sports teaches a lesson to kids in a friendly competitive way, that when they grow up everything in life is just not handed to them they have to work if they want to be at the top of their game . That way when they do grow up and life throws them a breaking ball they wait on it and send it out of the park.
We all have failed and will fail,
but at least if you have the foundation to know how to deal with it, life will be that much easier...So choose your road because even without scores we are raising a generation of winners and losers....


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